As a student at the Academy we offer you a coherent two-year programme of learning, tailored to meet your individual needs. A curriculum pathway is designed with you, to support your progression into Higher Education or directly into employment or apprenticeships.
Our learning programmes extend beyond the requirements of the academic curriculum and intend to fully develop you into a well-rounded individual.
Students will receive on-going careers education and guidance in preparation for Higher Education and employment with access to work experience.
At this critical time in your education you are supported and guided through our strong personal tutorial system. You will meet with your Personal Tutor, along with your tutor group, for half an hour each day to help support your personal development and plans for the future.
Personal growth
You need to be well-prepared for the transition to learning in Higher Education, employment and life in the wider world. Emphasis, therefore, is placed upon both independent and inter-dependent learning and developing your personal skills and qualities.
You will be encouraged to manage your time effectively, and develop your organisational skills. You will have access to purpose-built Post 16 study areas, a Learning Resource Centre, excellent and extensive resources and ICT facilities, including access to the Internet.
The personal development programme encourages business and enterprise skills, team working, leadership and decision making. The professional image and standing of Post 16 students within the Academy and wider community is emphasised through the wearing of business dress.