Overall Summer Timetable
The overall summer timetable can be found below.
If you have any queries please email [email protected]
GCSE Maths & English Resit Exams
Exam Guidance
Instructions for Candidates (2024/2025)
Awarding Bodies
For the most up-to-date examination information use the links below to check the awarding body websites:
Trial Examinations
Previously known as PPEs (Pre-Public Examinations)
Overall timetables will be shared here. Students will sit trial exams formally and are expected to follow rules published by JCQ in order to prepare them for their external examinations. These rules can be found via the link below.
Students will receive a hard copy and electronic copy of their individual timetables along with the JCQ Information for Candidates document for all of their exams.
Regulations & Guidance and Information for Candidates
- It is the responsibility of all candidates to familiarise themselves with the contents of the Regulations and Guidance for Candidates Booklet
- Failure to abide by these Regulations could result in disqualification
Post Results
If you have a query with your result and would like to find out more information about the grade you received, your subject teacher can help with this information initially. You can also email the exams inbox and we can provide you with information on your grade and grade boundaries.
After the release of examination results, a candidate has the right to apply to the awarding body through the Academy for a review of their result (ROR). This can take the form of:
- Service 1 – Clerical check – an administrative check that the marks have been totalled correctly.
- Service 2 – Review of marking – the script(s) will be marked again by a different examiner.
Candidates can also make a request for:
- Service 3 – Access to a photocopy of their script (primarily with a view to making a results enquiry)
- Service 4- Access to the original copy of their script (available after the results enquiry deadlines to inform future learning)
If you wish apply for any of the services above the exams team will provide you with a form to complete and inform you of the costs per service.
Post Result Services: Deadlines, Fees and Charges 2024:
Examination certificates
Collection of Certificates
Certificates for qualifications achieved in the summer are available from the beginning of December.
These must be collected by the student and signed for. Alternatively, they can be collected by a nominated person with the completed form below. Without this we cannot release the certificates.
Examination queries
If you have a query regarding examinations please email [email protected].
Lost, damaged or misplaced certificates
Please keep your certificates safe, they are expensive to replace!
Unfortunately, we cannot deal with requests for replacement certificates. Students must apply directly to the appropriate awarding body. Details and costs can be found on the relevant websites.
Results days
Year 12/13/14 (GCE/Vocational – Level 3) – Thursday, 14 August 2025– Time to be confirmed
GCSE Re-sit results will be released on Thursday, 21 August 2025– Time to be confirmed
Details for collecting examination results for 2025 will be available in the Summer. Students will receive a letter and information will be posted here.
If a student cannot collect their results in person, a nominated person can collect them on their behalf with the completed form below. Results will not be released without this.
Please note that results will also be emailed to academy email addresses on results day and any uncollected results envelopes will be sent out the following day by 2nd class mail.
Examination Results
We are fully committed to the principle of continuous improvement and are constantly striving to further improve our performance ensuring that we maintain our distinctive culture and ethos and our strong partnerships with the world of business and industry.
A Level
A Level | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Value added | -0.33 | -0.26 | N/A | -0.4 |
APS | 28.2 | 33.2 | 30.5 | 30.8 |
Value added DA | -0.21 | -0.5 | N/A | -0.43 |
APS DA | 29 | 27.6 | 26.1 | 28.1 |
A* - B | 23.60% | 49.1% | 37.0% | 36.3 |
A* - C | 91.00% | 76.3% | 68.1% | 68.5 |
A* - E | 91.00% | 97.8% | 97.2% | 98.1 |
App Gen | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Value added | -0.04 | -0.13 | N/A | 0.2 |
APS | 27.4 | 34.8 | 30.2 | 32.9 |
Value added DA | 0.23 | -0.3 | N/a | 0.39 |
APS | 26 | 32.8 | 28.8 | 32.9 |